Sunday, December 3, 2006

The Golden Days of Now

I saw the tree almost empty of leaves, and yet still golden in its beauty. I hope that I am that way in the autumn years. There is also a nice cloud gathering that I saw this yesterday morning while walking the dog. I was just fortunate that the birds did a circle and flew back in my line of picture. It is not often that things in life come back around for us. And leads this me to the next picture Ben and Den came back into town for a visit. The blurriness of the picture might be from the three angels sitting at the table with us. I will let you infer who the three are. Dinner was great. Well, the food wasn't so good, but the company and the atmosphere was great. Enjoy the pics.

1 comment:

lynda said...

i have nothing smart, philosophical or funny to add to your blog at this time, but i certainly enjoy them. i'm off to make a grilled velveeta cheese sandwich to eat on my way to work. keep up the good work, personally, professionally and informatively