Monday, November 20, 2006

One of my quirkinesses is that I see faces almost everywhere I go. Not that they are always watching me, just that they are there. In bathroom stalls, in the buildings frames, on the paper I am holding, in the shadows being cast. They are not hard to find, but it is hard sometimes to get other people to see them. This one at whole foods (yes, I was there again) was pretty obvious. I was taking the picture when the door opened and people looked at me as if I was a freak. Which I guess in a way I am, but it's all in fun, eh? I came home early from work tonight so I could paint some more of the dining room. I like to paint. I got it 2/3 of the way done. Way to go self. William is upstairs ironing all our napkins. It is amazing how many napkins we managed to collect. The dog is on the loveseat next to me moaning. He had just gone outside, and stayed out there for about 5 min, and then started barking at something. I figure a cat. I went to see out the door, and he turned from facing the fence, and came in pretty rapidly from outside still barking. And he kept barking every 5 to 10 secs, till he got to the loveseat in the front of the house and climbed up on it, and went right back to sleep. He is such a grumpy old man. It is really funny. I hope I am as cute when I become an old grumpy fart. Wait, more of one.

1 comment:

lmm said...

Another one of your quirkinesses is changing an adjective made from a noun into another noun. I love it!