Sunday, November 19, 2006

today is a good day , Damn it, and don't forget it

I being a silly boy was rushing and erased my secod favorite flower picture just now. But these are some of what I was seeing this morning before going to work. It was a fun day, mostly. Towards the end, a woman brought back a return. It is funny the psychology that one can do about people as things are happening. This lady, slash that, this woman, slash that too, but we'll leave it anyway, came in knowing the deal of store credit for returns, but wanted immediately, a refund on her card. She even had her card out as she approached the counter, as if she was looking for a fight. She wanted us to be humble and subserviant to her over bearing loud obnoxious attitude. She did get her refund back to the card, but she didn't get to bring me down. It was feast or famine. She feasted, and I lost weight, but the cashiers were in awe of the way I didn't lose it. These pictures are much the same way. Each is idfferent in what it represents in our lives. I guess my favorite is the leaves gathered in a rain puddle of water on the sidewalk. I mean this is city and nature's leftovers, that have fallen together and have been left to rought on the sidewalk. They are barely noticed, except in the seconds that it takes someone to walk around them. They are like the unused sperm, and ovaries, that don't get to truely be of reproductive use. Although I am sure it is said that if they were the ones that were left to rought and dissipate on the side walk; there must be others that were able to help the rest grow because they were pushed up, or further, than these because these were here in this spot already. Does that make sense? I am sure it can, reeaallly. if you sort of think about it, or not. I mean it is like a teacher that lands in school to teach their students to strive for more, and tries to push them forward. They are bound to have some that achieve great success, but there are other students who just acieve average success. and yet, they might help another person to become more, yes more, than could have been.
I don't think I have been anybody spectacular in my previous lives, butI think that I have helped others come into their greatness. That's enough. Enjoy the pics.

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