here is another bird fatality i saw while walking edvard i thought it was gruesome and yet poetically real of how life and death are together i guess life is so and then william and i bought another piece of art for the collection today at eastern market it is a really cool piece that is not done justice at this point by this photo i will try to get a better one later william and i went over to lyla and tracy's for a fab dinner she and william put together enjoy the pics
must be bird season. willow clawed at the garage door yesterday to show me the bird she had caught - and indicated she'd like to bring it inside (maybe for safe keeping from the other cats in the hood). i smiled my approval at her hunting skills & closed the door shutting them both out.
wish i could have joined you guys for dinner.
I have to go to therapy now for seeing the dead bird. Sob.
please get some new pictures so I can move on from the deceased bird.
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