Sunday, February 4, 2007

A B day, a past day, and a new day

It is Matthews BDay today so I thought the other day when he left his wallet at the house, instead of taking his cash I would take his ID pictures and put them on the blog. Happy Bday Matthew. I also had this picture of Kim from our Sunday in Chicago. We went to the Art Institute which was very pleasant. They hadn't put the helmets on the lions outside yet.

And hey, hey! A shout out to a new girl in the local area. Ms Yvonne Dunn of Macon, Valdosta, and soon-to-be-world traveling fame, has just moved into Mannasas VA. We are sure glad her "hineyness" made her way up this far, but yet still stayed this side of the Mason Dixon Line. I will never forget going to see The Producers with her in Valdosta GA. There were a bunch of high school and college kids jammin down, but we were the cool ones in the middle. And when they sang, "I Love Lucy" I thought Yvonne was going to die of joy. Welcome girl, it's good to have you here. Enjoy the pics.

1 comment:

Matt Schmidt said...

Austin is in a GREAT deal of trouble for posting my id photos. Az zee Fraunch seh, "Revange iz a deesh best see-er-ved k-hold." Watch out, dude, I know where you live.

And I have keys.
