Saturday, September 13, 2008

A Sad Reality that

Edvard and I were walking this morning. We went into the park, and as we were walking down the cement path there was a guy lying on the bench. His shoes were thrown onto the walkway. He was talking to himself, and moving his arms alternately over his head and eyes, so that his elbow was lying right above his eyes. He was saying, "Bill Gate - Bush Gate - Black Gate.." and we were past him. We moved on down the way, and went into the grass field. He had gotten up, and put his shoes back on walking down the path along side of us. He was talking, and what he was saying was hard to hear, but it didn't sound too friendly - in the moderate tone he was speaking. But when he got close enough to be near enough that I could hear him he was saying, "I got love for you commander." (Was he Vet, was he just rambling, was he a political left over?) And he kept walking down the path talking. I felt so sorry for him. How can one help a person that is so lost in his own mind like that? I would like to say I said a prayer for him, but it wasn't until right now that I thought of doing that. So, dude, "This prayers for you."
The picture is from SC when I first got it for Christmas a few years back. But I thought it showed the mind, and what it can hold. Enjoy the pic.

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